Sunday, January 18, 2009

Everyday is an audition

I was asked to drive to Miami on Friday to meet with a company that is shooting a new TV show for the Travel Channel and Fine Living. My fiance and I decided to make a night of it and get a hotel on South Beach...make it a romantic getaway! Yay! I got dressed, did my hair, put together my information to give to the Producer/Director... and off we went.

We showed up for the interview, and like most auditions, as we walked in the door we noticed many other women waiting to audition. I signed in and waited to be called for my interview. That's when I took a seat and looked around the room. You can't help but wonder who your competition is. It was saddening to me. There were so many beautiful women in the fact, all of them were beautiful in my eyes.... What was shocking was how most of these women were dressed...or rather undressed, how unprofessional they appeared, and bottom line...if this is what the producers want for this show...I am so out of here!

Ladies...everyday is an audition. It doesn't matter if you are showing up to your office everyday or picking your children up from school, you are auditioning for the job of role model. We have a responsibility to our kids, ourselves, other women, and even men. If we want respect, to be taken seriously, and treated equally, we need to stop and think about how we project ourselves. It is not only about the way we dress, but the way we speak and act. The role models in our society are few and far between. What we project will be mirrored back to us.

Beauty is not in being half dressed! True beauty, and our value as individuals, comes from confidence, our inner spirit shining through, and loving ourselves inside and out no matter what we look like. In the city of Miami where you will predominately see supermodels and gorgeous people...I was saddened to see so much value being put on 'who' we wear as opposed to who we are. I was even more saddened by how much 'value' was being exposed for all the world to see. In so many cases nothing was left to the imagination and no effort was being made to find strength from within to show off. I was completely covered up from head to toe in a turtle neck, jeans, and clogs and felt more beautiful while strolling along South Beach holding on to my amazing fiance's arm.

Ladies!!! What are we doing to ourselves? What kind of messages are we sending when we dress provacatively (unless it is for our man on a special got the picture...when appropriate) Why aren't we good enough the way we are. As a celebrity make up artist...I can truly say, the most beautiful stars are the ones that shine from within.

Think about how everyday is your audition. Do you project your true beauty? It is so easy to focus on what we don't have rather than what we do have...write down what you are blessed with and you will immediately find beauty around you and within you...then let it shine girls!

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