Thursday, February 12, 2009

Winter Coat

The Groundhog just saw his shadow, and according to legend, we get six more weeks of cold weather. So here are a few tips to protect your skin from the last dose of winter.

During the winter months it is even more important to hydrate and replenish our skin from the elements.
Hydrate: Maintain your daily intake of water (about 1/2 of the number of your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 140 lbs, you will want to consume roughly 70 ounces of water per day) since it helps your skins cleanse itself and eliminate toxins.

Face/Body: Switch from lotion to cream. Switching from lotion-based products to cream-based will help to restore moisture as well as provide a more protective barrier against extremes in temperature as well as humidity.

Just because we are covering up more with sweaters and jackets and long pants…does not mean that we should not continue taking care of our skin underneath. I can't stress this enough; if you want to keep dry skin at bay, you must hydrate your skin on a daily basis. The best time to apply your lotion is right after you've dried off after your shower or bath. This is the perfect time to seal in the moisture that's already been absorbed into your skin.
Be sure to check out products on the market with Glycolic or Alpha Hydroxy in their ingredients to help promote better hydration.
Hands: I don’t know about you but this is the time of year when my hands feel dry due to excessive cold temperatures as well as hand washing to keep from getting sick.

You want to have a hand crème by the sink so that you can moisturize after each wash, also a travel size to keep in your purse so that you can apply during the day.

Nails become brittle during the colder months, so it is important to apply cuticle oil to your cuticles and around your nail bed at least a couple times a week…even if your nails are polished. This will help keep your nails from breaking easily.

Michelle’s website is

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